Camax N10%+Ca15%+Mg2%+TE
Uses :
Camax is a 100% water-soluble fertilizer mix. It contains adequate amounts of nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium that help produce larger amounts of budding and tender fruit, and containing a mix of chelating trace elements, itgives high qualityyield. It is suitable for all crops.
2 to 3 ml per liter of water. 500 ml. to 1 liter per acre can be supplied usinga drip
Available in sizes :
250 ml. / 500 ml. / 1 litre.
Zinkox 39.5%SE+TE
Uses :
Zinc oxide is formulated as a 39.5% chemical key nutrient. Due to its rapid spreading action, zinc deficiency can be prevented due to quickly reaching the internal parts by spraying. It is suitable for all crops.
2 ml should be mixed in one liter ofwater and sprayed. 500 ml of zinc oxide can be used per acre usinga drip.
Available in sizes :
250 ml. / 500 ml. / 1 litre.
NPK 00:00:50+TE
Uses :
It is a 100% water soluble fertilizer mix. It contains a high percentage of potassium. It is useful for the prevention of potassium deficiency in paddy, orange, cotton, lemon, chili, vine plants, and all vegetable crops. It contains a mixture of chelating micronutrients (Trace Elements) which results in high quality and yield.
2 to 3 ml per liter of water. 500 ml. to 1 liter per acre can be provided usinga drip.
Available in sizes :
250 ml. / 500 ml. / 1 litre.
NBK 19:19:19+TE
Uses :
It is a 100% water soluble fertilizer mix. It contains a high percentage of nitrogen ( N), phosphorus ( P), and potassium ( K). It is useful for the prevention of NPK deficiency in paddy, orange, cotton, lemon, chili, vine, and vegetable crops. Thus, it is useful to get a large scale of budding and young fruits. It contains a mixture of chelating micronutrients (Trace Elements)which results in high qualityand yield.
2 to 3 ml per liter of water. 500 ml. to 1 liter per acre can be applied by a drip.
Available in sizes :
250 ml. / 500 ml. / 1 litre.
NBK 20:20:20+TE
Uses :
It is a 100% water soluble fertilizer mix. It contains a high percentage of nitrogen ( N), phosphorus ( P), and potassium ( K). It is useful for the prevention of NPK deficiency in Paddy, orange, cotton, lemon, chili, vine, and vegetable crops. Thus, it is useful to get large scale budding and young fruits. It contains a mixture of chelating micronutrients (Trace Elements) which results in high quality and yield.
2 to 3 ml per liter of water. 500 ml. to 1 liter per acre can be applied by a drip
Available in sizes :
250 ml. / 500 ml. / 1 litre.
Boran 4% +ca30%+TE
Boran 4% +ca30%+TE
Uses :
It is a 100% water soluble fertilizer mix. It contains the right amount of calcium and boron. Useful for the prevention of calcium and boron deficiency in paddy, orange, cotton, lemon, chili, and vegetable crops. Prevents pod cracking in vines. Contributes to high flower production. It contains a mixture of chelating micronutrients (Trace Elements) which results in high quality and yield.
2 to 3 ml per liter of water. 500 ml. to 1 liter per acre can be applied using a drip.
Available in sizes :
250 ml. / 500 ml. / 1 litre.